Kathy Day, C2M Facilitator & Mentor
(MBL; MoN; Grad Dip, CM, ADip Bus (Mgt), Cert IV T&A; MACHSM)

Kathy has worked across all areas of acute care, mental health, rehabilitation, and community care; disability, teaching, mentoring and case management in over her 40-year career.
In her current executive management role at Grampians Community Health, Kathy’s responsibilities span mental health, counselling, youth services, family violence, homeless support, HACC programs and aged care programs, groups, case management and individual support programs, quality, and compliance. In her leadership roles Kathy has managed corporate services and Executive roles, in hospitals, community and disability organisations in metro, regional and rural settings. Kathy held the role of Vice Chairperson of Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand for 7 years until March 2021.
Kathy is passionate about preventing elder abuse and is a former Executive Committee Member of Elder Abuse Prevention Association; ECCV Elder Abuse Prevention Committee, the International Prevention of Elder Abuse Awareness (INPEA), the Australian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.
In collaboration with Seniors Rights Victoria and the Victorian Law Reform Commission, Kathy participated in developing a guide for lawyers on financial elder abuse and a guide for seniors on preventing elder abuse. Kathy is a sought after speaker on the subject and has presented at International and national conferences, included as the invited speaker at National Adult Protective Services Conference in Buffalo NY. Her Master’s thesis focussed on Case Management of Elder Abuse in the Community Setting. She has also conducted multiple study tours of aged and disability community services and elder abuse response services in Scotland, Canada and USA.
In addition to this Kathy has been interviewed numerous times for a range of peak body magazines and published a peer review article in the Australasian of Emergency Nursing Journal on ‘Elder Abuse in the Context of Poverty and Health’.
In addition to her passion for preventing elder abuse, Kathy’s greatest pleasure and goal as a leader is to watch others achieve, beyond what they think possible for them, and grow and develop into future leaders through her guidance and support. ‘The best buzz ever’! Kathy was mentor for undergraduate and post graduate nursing students with the Royal College of Nursing and is currently a mentor for those seeking leadership mentoring through LASA Vic. (Leading Aged Services) and the Clinician 2 Manager Academy.
You can contact Kathy by email CLICK HERE
- Master of Business Leadership (CSU)
- Master of Nursing (advanced Practice Case Management-Primary Care) (Uni Melb)
- Graduate. Diploma Case Management (Grad.Dip.Cse.Mgt) (Uni Melb)
- B.Nurse(Post Grad)
- Registered Nurse
- Advanced. Diploma. Business Management
- Cert IV TAA
- Certified Case Manager (CMSA Aust. and NZ)